Last Chance to Watch A Bunch of Movies on HBO Now and HBO Go

Published on December 1, 2018
Written by:
Gabriela Vatu
Gabriela Vatu
Streaming Writer

As the year draws to a close, HBO Now and Go are also close to losing a bunch of content, as it is natural with this sort of streaming platforms.

Licensing deals only last a pre-determined time, so it's natural that some will get the boot. By the end of the year, there are more than two dozen films HBO will say goodbye to.

This also means that you have another month left to watch them all. They're not that many that you won't have the time to do it, either, so there's no excuse to use these last few weeks to watch new content.

So, without further ado, let's see what movies are expiring at the end of December on HBO Now and HBO Go.

All of these movies leave the platforms on the last day of the year, so you won't have to hurry to watch some earlier than others. Are there any movies you want to make sure you'll watch before the end of December? Let us know in the comments section below, and please share the article online so others can find it too. Follow TechNadu on social media - Facebook and Twitter.

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