Trump Administration Proposes Drone Usage Without Permits in The USA

Last updated June 20, 2021
Written by:
Nitish Singh
Nitish Singh
Tech News Writer
Image Courtesy of Medium

US citizens from populated areas have been left concerned about their privacy and security following the US government’s decision to allow commercial drones to fly over populated areas without requiring any special permits. While the new rules could see drones being used for commercial use more frequently, citizens are not very happy about the proposal.

US Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao revealed that the US Transportation Department is aware of security concerns and the department will be taking proper measures to prevent any hazards or privacy concerns. There are over 1.3 million drones in the country of which less than 10% are registered.

In 2017, President Donald Trump revealed that the implementation of unmanned drones would "open the skies for delivery of life-saving medicines and commercial packages (and) inspections of critical infrastructure." While drones do have their advantages, it remains to be seen how effectively they are implemented in the country.

Drones will need a visible and illuminated anti-collision light that is visible from at least 3 statute miles. There are no restrictions on drones in the US weighing less than 0.55 pounds, but heavier units require approval. The heavier drones should not be capable of causing severe damage if met with accidents. Large drones will not be allowed above large groups of people in the US, according to the FAA’s regulations.

Due to a number of high-profile security incidents in the US and abroad, it is natural for people to be concerned. The commercial viability of drones is yet to be seen on a large scale, and drones are also susceptible to hackers who can exploit the flying vehicles for malicious activity.

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