
Twitter Loses 9 Million Users But User Engagement Is On The Rise

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated July 13, 2021
Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Twitter continues to lose chunks of its total user base but it’s not all doom and gloom for the social media platform as the number of active users on the platform has been on the rise. Many government officials and authorities have called the social media platform out in the past due to its negligence towards spam, fake news and bot accounts.

The monthly user base has gone down to 326 million from 335 million over the last quarter, making it the second quarter in a row that the numbers have declined on the platform The decline does not come as a surprise because the platform has been actively removing suspicious accounts on the platform. The company predicted that it would be losing single-digit millions over the coming months.

In a recent statement, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey revealed “We do see health [of the platform] as a growth vector over the long term. This is an extremely important initiative to us, not only for the experience of Twitter, but we believe the long-term growth of the platform.”

Removing suspicious accounts leads to a much healthier platform for users as they do not have to be bothered by spam or fake accounts. The platform’s user count has gone back to what it was at the start of 2017. In comparison, competitor Facebook has added another 38 million monthly users despite facing similar controversies as well as data breaches in the recent past.

Engagement and new signups on the platform are up by 20% which is progress for Twitter. There are new verification requirements in place that prevent bots from signing up for the microblogging service as well, and it has proven to be a successful deterrent. Despite the changes and declining numbers, Twitter continues to profit which proves that it is on the right track.

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