Wow, one of the people’s favorite messaging app ‘Telegram’ just now got an extraordinary feature which is a voice calling feature. Yes, no worry to Telegram users.
Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram said that they were starting their work in January on the incorporation of voice calling feature into messaging service. Today, it has been legally announced.
And the feature is already taken into beta testing in the beta version application and finally in order to use it is necessary that both the caller and person receiving calls have the beta activated. It is one of the alternatives to Whatsapp. The operation of voice call facility in Telegram will reach soon to the public.
A telegram just now joins the dispute by trying to bridge the technological gap separating it from the platform in the year 2014 by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The news of new functionality will be posted in Durov’s Twitter account. While Whatsapp takes a long time for integrating voice and video call feature.
Such a secure voice app signal, by assigning an encryption key in it. The new functionality is only downloading the beta app of Telegram now. Later they decided to establish the usage to all users.
And the voice calling feature in Telegram which is similar to Whatsapp application and it requires internet connection via data or WiFi. The setting section it is possible to configure privacy. Telegram could just achieve the big thing and it made tough competition over other competitors.