With the new season of Super Dragon Ball Heroes in full swing, the series' creators have released a new poster to celebrate the continuation of the series! The spin-off series takes place after the events of Dragon Ball Super and is set outside of the metaseries' main continuity. Super Dragon Ball Heroes (SDBH) explores several alternate scenarios within the DB franchise.
The Super Dragon Ball Heroes series is a treat for fans, especially as they wait for new episodes of the main storyline in "Dragon Ball Super." In addition, the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero film is about to make its debut in April 2022. Even though the film will take the main storyline forward, the main series still covers the Moro Arc and Granolah The Survivor Arc. So fans do have something to look forward to in the metaseries.
The previous season of the Super Dragon Ball Heroes series ended with the Space-Time War Arc. The arc saw Z fighters clashing with a Goku Black, fresh off of resurrection. The spin-off series took a short 2-month break before releasing Part 3, titled Ultra God Mission. Part 3 features a brand new arc titled "Supreme Kai of Time," with the first episode already out.
The newly released poster for the Super Dragon Ball Heroes series celebrates the continuation of the series and gathers several heroes and villains from Dragon Ball's past. It features some major players fighting in a brand new tournament from the series. One surprising addition to the series was the character of Yamcha, one of the Z Fighters who were pit against Cyborg Frieza during this new tournament. While the fight was unsurprisingly one-sided in Frieza's favor, the tournament has delivered some interesting battles that would normally never be a part of the metaseries.
Such fights were Kid Buu fighting Janemba and the OG Broly battling against Jiren. The new poster, which multiple Dragon Ball fan accounts have shared on Twitter, features Goku, Vegeta, the Goku of the Time Patrol, the Supreme Kai of Space and Time, and the new villains of the Ultra God Mission.
Check out the new poster for Super Dragon Ball Heroes - Ultra God Mission below:
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