Roku is known for its amazing festive home screen themes, and the streaming giant just released 12 new themes for Christmas. All of the themes can be downloaded from the Roku Channel Store for free, and they will be available permanently.
One of the biggest complaints Roku users had was the timed exclusivity of the themes. In other events, the themes would normally be available for just a couple of days before being taken down. The streaming service has finally listened to its customers and has made all of the themes permanently available on the Channel Store. The holiday themes include a fireworks theme, one with balloons and some spooky ones as well to help users get into the festive mood.
Starting today, all of the themes on the official store will be available for free forever. To download the new Christmas themes, users can simply click on the names in the official blog which will redirect them to the download page. Simply sign in to your account and the service will initiate a download on your Roku device. It’s not just the current themes are now available for free, the service brought back a number of old favorites to the store as well.
Roku had quite a successful year with its devices, and in October 2018, the Mexico government lifted the ban on the company’s devices. The ban was handed down by a Mexico court after local TV company Cablevision submitted a copyright complaint against the streaming giant. All of Roku’s products were taken down from online and offline stores before the ban was overturned. The company also introduced live channels and curated movie collections in April and is also offering an ESPN+ Direct-to-Consumer Subscription as a separate add-on for customers.
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