How to Prevent Your MacBook From Sleeping When Its Lid Is Closed

Last updated May 14, 2024
Written by:
Novak Bozovic
Novak Bozovic
Tech & VPN Content Specialist

Your MacBook comes with many battery-saving technologies. One of those is your notebook's behavior when you close its lid, as that puts your computer to sleep instantly. So, what if you need your computer to run, even while you're on the go? Is there a way to prevent your MacBook from sleeping when its lid is closed? The answer is yes!

Keep in mind that macOS forces your MacBook to sleep as soon as you close its lid. There's no way to change that, but there are some workarounds that'll get the job done, so read this article carefully, as you'll need to pick a workaround that works best for you.

Prevent Your MacBook From Sleeping (When Closed) via These 3 Methods!

Right now, you have 3 options available. All of those produce the same result – keeping your MacBook awake while either being plugged in or using its battery. Here's all you need to know.

No matter which workaround you pick, we recommend updating your Mac to the latest available macOS version (which is macOS Monterey at the moment). Do this by going to Apple > System Preferences > Software Update

Method #1: Keep Your Mac Awake While Using a Power Adapter

Keep in mind that this method requires your MacBook to be plugged in. In other words, this method applies only to situations when your notebook uses its power adapter. 

macOS System Preferences Battery Option
Power Adapter Settings macOS

We’d also like to note that you shouldn’t worry about leaving your MacBook Pro/Air plugged in overnight. That won’t affect its battery in the long term. Aside from that, it’s also perfectly safe to use your MacBook Pro/Air while charging. Use the provided links to learn more. 

Method #2: Use 'Amphetamine' to Prevent Your Mac from Sleeping

Next, we have a handy utility application called Amphetamine. You can get it from the Mac App Store free of charge, and it comes with an unbelievably convenient set of features. So, here's how to use it to prevent your MacBook from sleeping when the lid is closed.

Amphetamine App Mac App Store
macOS Amphetamine App Main Menu
Amphetamine App Settings macOS

When using Amphetamine, you'll "force" a behavior that comes disabled by default (and for a good reason). If you're not careful enough, your MacBook might overheat inside of a bag/case, or its battery can drain rather quickly. To be on the safe side, we recommend installing a component called 'Amphetamine Enhancer,’ which comes with a fail-safe. 

As you can expect, your list of options doesn't end with Amphetamine. If you experience any issues or if you simply want an alternative, we recommend checking Caffeinated ($3.99), which is available on the Mac App Store. Also, this app is designed to prevent your Mac from going to sleep once you close its lid.

Method #3: Prevent Your MacBook From Sleeping Using an External Display & Peripherals

If you have an external monitor available, you can use it to turn your MacBook into a desktop-like computer. While doing so, you'll instruct your computer not to use its energy-saving technologies, keeping it awake as long as you want. This is what’s also known as 'closed-clamshell' or 'closed-display' mode. So, here’s what you need to do. 

Bluetooth Connectivity Settings macOS

Those would be the three ways to prevent your MacBook from sleeping while its lid is closed. If you have any questions, know that we're here for you. So, feel free to post your comment below. And lastly – thanks for reading!

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