‘Mobdro’ has gone offline without warning, and its users are wondering what happened, why it has gone, and whether they should expect the service to return any time soon or not. The shady content repository service may be going through a lengthy interruption due to technical issues like hosting or domain-related problems, so we may see it return online.
The most likely scenario, though, is that it’s gone for good, as its operators may be under heavy legal pressure or even actual trouble already. We have warned you not to use Mobdro in general, as it has been associated with malware-dropping activities and it’s also not legal in most countries.
The platform basically linked people with repos, so it didn’t host the content itself, but that’s still facilitation of copyright infringement, and it’s legally as problematic as direct hosting. It did have an alluring promise that drew a vast audience, though, so the current situation is definitely affecting a significant number of internet users.
The speculation about what may be happening and why Mobdro is offline is going rampant right now, but nobody knows what exactly is the case this time. Some point the finger at India’s Cricket authorities, and others think it could be Google enforcing new anti-piracy laws against all relevant apps.
It’s a complex situation, and assumptions could cover a wide spectrum of possible explanations without ever really hitting the mark. That said, what matters for the users of Mobdro is to understand that these services aren’t trustworthy and that the presence of its operators on social media platforms or IM groups isn’t the equivalent of a legitimate service ran by a registered company. Now that Mobdro is gone, jumping to the next alternative is just as risky for you, if not even more.