The Healer Girl anime series, set for a Spring 2022 release, has recently unveiled the release date for the series, along with a new promo. In addition, the series has also announced an upcoming collaboration with singer May J. For fans who are unaware, the upcoming Healer Girls is an original anime series animated by Studio 3Hz.
The series is directed by Yasuhiro Irie and written by Noboru Kimura. It features a choir unit, Healer Girls, comprised of the four main cast members: Karin Isobe, Akane Kumada, Marina Horiuchi, and Chihaya Yoshitake. In addition, the series features character designs by Yukie Akiya and music composed by Ryo Takahashi.
The upcoming original anime series, Healer Girls, is slated to feature the opening theme song "Feel You, Heal You" and the ending theme song "Believe like Singing" by the main cast members mentioned above. The four-member VA/singer unit Healer Girls was formed in March 2021. The group is slated to team up with songstress May J for music videos and more.
According to Crunchyroll, the group will perform a couple of behind-the-scenes videos slated to release on the Bandai Namco Arts YouTube channel on March 14 and March 21. Soon after the BTS videos, fans can expect a video featuring a chat with the stars and May J. and special performances of "Hanamizuki" and Neon Genesis Evangelion theme "A Cruel Angel's Thesis," on March 28. Check out more information, including the release date for the series, below.
The Healer Girl anime series will be released on April 4, 2022, on TOKYO MX and BS11 in Japan. Check out a recently released promo for the series below:
In addition to the release date and promo, the story for the upcoming original series has also been released. According to Crunchyroll, the story has been described as:
"The third kind of medicine, healing—"voice medicine," which uses singing to heal illness and injury. And those who perform medical treatment by singing are called "Healer." There are three apprentice healers working at the Karasuma Voice Clinic: Kana Fujii (CV: Karin Isobe) is an energetic mood maker, Reimi Itsuhiro (Marina Horiuchi) is a little strong-willed young lady, and Hibiki Morishima (Akane Kumada) is the calm but firm older sister-type girl. After school, the three first-year high school students are training to become full-fledged healers at the clinic! Along with Sonia Yanagi (Chihaya Yoshitake), who is a returnee who is a certified C-level healer, the girls are singing songs of healing today as they work towards their dreams!"
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