North Korean Hacker Group “Kimsuky” Operates New Spyware Suite

Last updated September 28, 2021
Written by:
Bill Toulas
Bill Toulas
Cybersecurity Journalist

The North Korean cyber-espionage group known as “Kimsuky” (aka “Thallium”) is using a new spyware suite, which is based on a modular approach. Called “KGH_SPY,” the tool can perform network reconnaissance, keylogging, information exfiltration, and backdoor functionality.

In addition to this tool, Kimsuky also appears to be using a new stealthy malware called “CSPY Downloader,” which can fetch various payloads from the group’s infrastructure without risking detection and analysis.

Infection points of the malware deployed by Kimsuky
Source: Cybereason

This “refresh” was detected and analyzed by researchers of the Cybereason Nocturnus Team, who have found some code similarities to previously deployed malware from the same group, as well as partial infrastructure overlap. This is enough for assigning attribution with confidence, while the targets appear to be similar to what Kimsuky has always been focusing on.

Cybereason reports the following:

Several of the modules that were used with the KGH tool are spyware, and Kimsuky appears to be using a rich set. In many cases, the payloads set a reg key for persistence, collect system information, store it on a file and send it to the C2 server. The information that is targeted first has to do with the system, network, drives, and installed applications, so its reconnaissance.

None of the KGH modules that were tested by the researchers were detected by any AV vendors, so Kimsuky can fly undetected. This applies to spyware modules, backdoor tools, the keylogger functionality, and all secondary payloads fetched after the initial infection from the C2.

Origin of and how Kimsuky's malware spread across computer networks
Source: Cybereason

As for how trouble starts, the infection vector that was observed involves two Word documents (0807.dotm and 0928.dotm) that come with malicious macro code. The file format is “DOTM,” a Word template that retains the settings defined by its creator, so the hackers can easily spawn new ones using fresh themes.

Word documents (0807.dotm & 0928.dotm) containing malicious macro code which is the start of Kimsuky's malware infection
Source: Cybereason
Malicious code deployed by Kimsuky
Source: Cybereason

Kimsuky has been around since 2012, and it is constantly updating its attack patterns and operational infrastructure. The fact that no anti-virus tool can detect any of the modules deployed in KGH_SPY is indicative of the sophistication that goes into their code obfuscation, anti-VM, and anti-debugging techniques. Cybereason gives a full list of IoCs, so target organizations can at least start from somewhere.

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