‘Kapusta.World’ is a new Russian cybercrime support service that has already surpassed a thousand members on its Telegram group, and is continuing strong. Kapusta means “cabbage” in Russian, and it refers to the logo which looks like a vegetable support agent. The service describes itself as a trading platform for cybercriminals to exchange goods and services. Its two main branches include one offering account credentials and one being an information look-up portal. Most of what’s on offer come from businesses based or operating in Russia, while the credentials come from various fields and market sectors.
Source: Digital Shadows
More specifically, Kapusta is currently offering account credentials from the following sectors:
Even if you’re looking for something specific that isn’t on offer on Kapusta yet, the “cabbage” is promising to go and try to source that information for you. Once you get what you need, you may use Kapusta’s guidance material to learn how to make the most out of the credentials that you just bought, how to exploit the target in the most profitably and safely, and how to hide your electronic trails while doing so.
Source: Digital Shadows
Kapusta has been promoting itself on various dark web forums since November 2019, claiming that it has been working on building up a solid and useful cybercrime service for over two years. As for the offerings that are presented in these forum posts, these include the following things:
Source: Digital Shadows
As for the customer service aspect, 'Kapusta.World' operators are offering communication via email, Telegram, Skype, and ICQ. The Telegram group is even empowered by an automated sales bot that helps buyers quickly locate the goods and services they are looking for. To attract more users in the group, the admins have organized “free giveaways” on the channel too.