New infrared based wi-fi system can make internet 100-times faster

Last updated August 8, 2017
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TechNadu Staff
TechNadu Staff
Staff Writer

One good news for those who are using WiFi access in their places. Usually, the WiFi speed is not more than 300Megabit per second.

Now, the researchers just claimed to achieve the high-speed WiFi connection of 42.8Gegabit per second over a distance of 2.5 meters. This is such an amazing thing. And this speed is 100 times faster than the existing WiFi connectivity.

The WiFi connectivity was developed by the researchers at Eindhoven university of technology in Netherland, an extraordinary idea to beat the slow speed WiFi and to attain the unimaginable faster Speed WiFi of 40 GB/S. This connectivity is based on infrared rays with a wavelength of 1,500 nanometers and higher.

This WiFi system is very straightforward and cheap to set up. The ‘light Antennas’ will mount on the ceiling, which accurately direct the ray of light and which is supplied by an optical fiber. To use the light ray, you still need to download and upload using the radio signals.

And the system doesn’t require any moving parts, make it maintenance free. The important thing is Antenna, which contains the pair of grating helps to radiate the light rays to a different wavelength at different angles.

The researchers said that the light based network can track the precise location of each wireless devices based on its radio signal. This system allowing much faster connection and to eliminate the interference from the other networks.

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