One of the most popular characters in My Hero Academia, Himiko Toga, was first introduced in Chapter 57 of Kohei Horikoshi's original manga and in episode 31, titled "The Aftermath Of Hero Killer: Stain," in the anime series. MHA is set in a world where around 80% of the world possesses superpowers known as "quirks," leading to a division of society into two categories: heroes and villains. Heroes use their quirks for the good of society and protect the civilians from villains, who use their powers for selfish and shady reasons.
Himiko Toga is a fan-favorite villain from the MHA series who possesses a vampiric quirk known as "transform." Toga's quirk allows her to assume the appearance of any person, as long as she ingests their blood. In addition, during the Meta Liberation arc, Toga strengthened her quirk in a life or death situation and discovered that she could also assume the powers (quirks) of the person she transforms into.
Since her manga and anime debut, Toga has established herself as one of My Hero Academia's best-loved villains – but exactly how old is Toga? Read on to find out.
My Hero Academia's Himiko Toga often acts like a child, either getting excited by something or throwing a tantrum when she doesn't get her way. Toga is a Yandere character, with her fixated and obsessive crush on people like Stain and Izuku. She seems cute at first glance but has displayed some psychotic tendencies. However, she is not as young as she seems. Toga is in her mid-teens, roughly around the same age group as Izuku and his classmates.
When Himiko Toga first appeared, she was 16 years old. However, considering the manga's current events, she is 17 years old. If she had gone the hero route instead and enrolled at UA, Himiko would probably be a second-year student. Taking on the quirks of any person, along with their appearance, makes her one of the most dangerous villains of the series.
In addition, an omake in volume 24 of Horikoshi's My Hero Academia UA manga also features a profile of Himiko Toga. The profile confirms her age, as mentioned above, and other facts about her, including her birthday, which is on August 7. The omake also features details about her past, including a flashback into her childhood, revealing that her parents found her quirk "transform" disturbing. They often encouraged her to suppress her power, leading to her wishing she was a "normal" child.
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