The Japanese comedy anime series, Mr. Osomatsu, is releasing a live-action film next month! According to the latest update, the upcoming live-action film will have a special crossover with its anime counterpart. The film is slated to feature members of the idol group Snow Man.
In the film's story, a rich man appears, declaring that he will adopt one of the sextuplets. The six brothers then engage in a battle royale to be the rich man's heir. However, three mysterious "story-ending" figures take the brothers in a battle to the finish. With the upcoming release of the film, the creators have also released a special sticker sheet featuring the members of Snow Man in costume:
A new video on the Toho YouTube channel, hosted by Iyami (Kenichi Suzumura), announced the upcoming crossover for the live-action film. According to the announcement, the anime characters will be introducing their live-action counterparts in the film's introduction. The animated sextuplets will still feature their voice cast from the 2015 anime but will be wearing outfits inspired by their live-action counterparts' costumes. The live-action Mr. Osomatsu film opens in Japanese cinemas on March 25.
Check out the five-minute video for set footage scenes from the movie, and to see how the new character designs match up to their film versions:
The live-action cast members for the sextuplets and the film's original characters include:
The other cast members include Hiyori Sakurada as Chibita, Hikaru Takahashi as Totoko, and Yasuyuki Maekawa as Iyami along with Mari Hamada, Ken Mitsuishi, Louis Kurihara, Rikako Yagi, Atsugiri Jason, Shugo Oshinari, Ryo Kato, Kaho Minami, and Takaaki Enoki.
Check out a trailer for the film and more details about Mr. Osomatsu below:
The anime series, on which the live-action movie is based, began in 2015 and has aired three seasons as of 2021. The series has also inspired several videos. Most recently, the franchise released a three-episode Valentine's-themed special short series titled Chocomatsu-san Valentine's Day-hen and an additional three-episode short series titled Chocomatsu-san White Day-hen in February and March 2021. Fans can watch the Mr. Osomatsu anime series on Crunchyroll.
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