Masters of the Universe Movie: Jared Leto joins the cast as a Diabolical Character

Published on December 21, 2024
Written by:
Ishita Chatterjee
Ishita Chatterjee
Streaming Staff Editor
Masters of the Universe (Credit- Mattel Films)

The Masters of the Universe film has its villain! The movie has been eyeing an actor for this iconic role for a long time and it looks like things have finally worked out between Jared Leto and the studio. In this article, we will discuss the role Leto is playing in the film and more. 

What role is Jared Leto Playing in the Masters of the Universe Movie?

Jared Leto has bagged another role where he will have to play a monster. In the Masters of the Universe Movie, directed by Travis Knight, he will be playing the supervillain Skeletor, the archenemy of He-Man. Nicholas Galitzine has been announced as the warrior of Eternia and the one who will be saying “by the power of the grayskull.”

Skeletor is continuing Jared Leto’s streak of playing villains in tentpole productions. He began with Joker in 2016’s Suicide Squad, Morbius in the 2022 film of the same name, and the CEO in 2017’s Blade Runner 2049. Plot details are scarce but given the magical and fantastical nature of the source material, which began as action figures in 1982, motion capture will surely be needed. 

Cast of the Masters of the Universe Movie

This is the announced cast of the film till now:

Chris Butler (ParaNorman) wrote the newest draft of the screenplay after writers David Callaham, and Aaron and Adam Nee. Escape Artists and Mattel Films are producing the film

The Masters of the Universe film will be released in theaters on Friday, June 5, 2026.

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