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Marauder Kodi Addon – Is This Addon Legal? Is It Safe to Install & Use?

Last updated January 18, 2022
Written by:
Novak Bozovic
Novak Bozovic
Tech & VPN Content Specialist

For a Kodi addon to become popular, it truly needs to offer something unique. There’s plenty of competition out there, with hundreds of high-quality addons at your disposal. With that said, we’re sure you’ve heard about the Marauder Kodi addon.

This isn't exactly a new addon. However, there's plenty of talk about Marauder right now. That's mostly because this addon has an incredibly rich library of content. On top of that, it brings a personal touch, which has resonated well with the Kodi community.

Still, the question is – should you install and use the Marauder Kodi addon? Is this addon legal? Well, you know how they say: "The answer might surprise you!" However, in this particular case, it might. So, let's jump right in!

Sadly, no. The Marauder addon isn’t legal to use. 

Technically speaking, you should not get into trouble for installing or opening Marauder on your Kodi. That is because, in terms of the software itself, Marauder is legal to distribute and install. However, what’s problematic is the addon’s contents. 

Essential Reading: Official vs. Unofficial Kodi Addons – Which Ones to Use?

The entire media library offered by the Marauder Kodi addon comes from illegal sources. Those are mostly torrent sites and Web hosting services that allow copyrighted content. That's how Marauder is capable of sourcing those movies and showing them through its interface.

As soon as you start playing one of Marauder's movies and TV shows, you could find yourself in a lot of trouble. We're talking about piracy and copyright infringement here, which is against the law in many countries around the world.

You’ll Want to Know: How to Use Kodi Legally? – All Your Questions Answered!

Is the Marauder Addon SAFE to Use? 

No, the Marauder addon isn’t safe to use. Let’s explain why. 

Speaking in general, there are many reasons why unofficial Kodi addons aren’t safe to use. However, the number one reason is malware, which is something that Kodi has been struggling with for a long time now. 

Malware infections are usually related to forks and clones of Kodi addons. In the past, those types of addons were proven to be problematic, as they create an opportunity for malicious actors to infect a large number of systems at once. And yes, Marauder is one of those forks as well.

Due to the reasons mentioned above, Kodi’s developers have been warning against using third-party repositories. We agree with Kodi's team, and that's why we recommend staying away from unofficial Kodi addons.

This is where we’d like to introduce you to VPN services. If you’re a Kodi user, it’s highly beneficial to become a VPN subscriber, and here’s why.

VPNs are designed to encrypt your Web traffic. In addition to adding a security layer to your data, VPNs hide what you do online. This makes using addons such as Marauder much safer and without many of the associated risks.

However, VPNs come in all shapes and sizes. Based on our experience, our strong recommendation is to subscribe to ExpressVPN, the best Kodi VPN available now.

What Content Can You Stream via Marauder? 

Marauder Kodi Addon Main Menu Appearance

Marauder brings two types of content – movies and TV shows. That might not sound like much, but there’s a reason for this addon’s popularity. 

As said earlier, this addon is taking a more personal approach to its content. This is most visible in the "Movie Chest" category, bringing a massive collection of movies. These are curated in a constructive way, letting you find movies you've never heard about before.

Explore the World of Kodi Addons: MoviesLive TVLive SportsCartoonsAdult (XXX)TV ShowsGamingMusicAnimeDocumentariesKorean, and Bollywood.

Do We Recommend Installing the Marauder Kodi Addon? 

The answer is clear – we don’t recommend installing or using Marauder for Kodi. 

As you can see, there are several good reasons why we recommend you stay away from this addon. First and foremost, it’s illegal to use (in most countries). And if that does not persuade you, know that you’re risking a malware infection.

Once again, we’d like to remind you that Marauder brings the latest Hollywood movies – without charging you anything. This should immediately raise a red flag for any Kodi user. And in the end, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, right? 

How to Protect Yourself If You’re Using Marauder on Kodi?

The most effective method of securing your privacy is by using a VPN. However, Kodi users will reap many other benefits of this type of software as well. 

Keep in mind that every VPN will keep you safe and protected. You should trust a reputable VPN only, such as ExpressVPN

First and foremost, VPNs are designed to safeguard your privacy. They’re doing that by encrypting your Web data. In turn, no one will see what you do online. Not even your Internet provider. This makes using addons like Marauder much less risky. 

However, VPNs also unblock new types of content. This is a hugely important benefit in the world of Kodi addons, as many of those (even legal ones) are restricted to certain countries only. Therefore, a VPN will let you use Kodi up to its full extent.

Learn More: Why Are VPNs Useful for Kodi Users?

If you'd like to dive into learning about VPNs, we got your back. First, check the best VPNs for Kodi, hands-on tested by our editorial team. Then, you’ll want to know how to set up a VPN for Kodi.

Marauder Addon Not Working? Try These Fixes!

We’ve prepared a set of quick fixes in case you’re experiencing problems with Marauder. Check them out below. 

Marauder Not Working (Freezing or Crashing)

There could be many reasons why Marauder is freezing or crashing. In that case, we recommend clearing the cache of Marauder. And also, you’ll want to try using ‘debrid’ services, which typically bring faster and smoother performance.

How to Clear Cache in Marauder?

To clear Marauder’s cache files, you need to dive into the addon’s settings. Here are the steps you need to take:

  • Launch Marauder and select ‘Tools.’
  • Then, select ‘Clear All Cache.’
  • Confirm your decision once a prompt appears on your screen. 
How to Authorize ‘Debrid’ Services in Marauder?

This addon comes with a straightforward method of authorizing 'debrid’ services. Here’s how that is done:

  • Open Marauder and select ‘Tools.’
  • Scroll down, and then select 'Pairing and Authorize Tools.'
  • Make sure to select ‘Authorize’ in the left-placed sidebar. 
  • Finally, select your service and follow the prompts you’ll see on your screen.
How to Update Marauder for Kodi

To make sure the addon works at its best, you should keep it updated at all times, as it’s highly recommended to do. So, here’s how to update Marauder manually:

  • Right-click on the addon’s icon and pick ‘Information.’
  • Then, use the ‘Update’ button (at the bottom of your screen). 
  • Click on the latest update, and Kodi will finish the procedure on its own.
How to Update Kodi

At times, a software conflict between Marauder and Kodi can cause technical issues. A possible solution here is to update Kodi. Feel free to click on the provided link, and you’ll be taken to our step-by-step guide.

What Are the Best Alternatives to the Marauder Addon? 

If you’re searching for legal alternatives to Marauder, we’d like to give you a few suggestions. Check them out below. 

With that said, we've reached the end of our guide to the Marauder Kodi addon. If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to post a comment below. We'd also like to ask you to share this article online. Thanks – and enjoy using Kodi!

Read Next: 60+ Best Kodi Addons You Should Try Right Now

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