K was released in the Autumn of 2012, a truly thriving period for anime. It soon secured its spot as the number one guilty pleasure series with a budget ten times greater than the typical seasonal anime. At its core, K is a mystery show that revolves around Shiro trying to understand his identity. In general, however, it is about finding a murderer whose identity might have massive implications in an ongoing war between powerful clans. Keep reading to learn what the best K project watch order is.
With elements of sci-fi, fantasy, tragedy, and mystery, it’s no wonder why K is so popular. However, the actual reason why it was shot to fame has to do with the series' beautiful animation. Despite being a TV series, K boasts highly detailed backgrounds and gorgeous settings that allow its viewers to fully immerse themselves in it. Additionally, the visual effects of the superpowers look epic, with captivating shapes acting as energy attacks and explosions.
While the plot is a little weak, the psychological and action elements will keep you hooked till the end. With K watch order, filler lists, and links, this article has everything you need. So, with that said, let’s get started!
This is the chronological order for K anime, especially for the rewatchers. However, this watch order is not recommended for first-time viewers because, while the Seven Stories movies are all chronologically placed before K, they contain spoilers from Return of Kings.
For those new to the K-Project series, it's best to follow this recommended watch order to enjoy the storyline and characters fully.
In the world of K, Kings are people endowed with extraordinary supernatural abilities who have been granted the opportunity to recruit new members to their clans. It is a huge component of the kings' duty to safeguard the lives and dignity of their clans.
Yashiro Isana, an ordinary student, has been charged with murder in connection with a video depicting the horrific execution of a Red Clansman. Now, a hunt for his head has begun, which has brought him into touch with "Black Dog" Kurou Yatogami —a skilled fighter who's determined to carry out the wishes of his deceased master, the Seventh King.
Meanwhile, Mikoto Suou, the current Red King, faces his approaching doom as Yashiro's search narrows. However, a larger plot is unfolding behind the scenes as Yashiro attempts to prove his innocence; his memory begins to erode, and close friends start to question his very existence. What began as a simple murder is now leading to a full-fledged fight between the Kings.
You can find the watch order and watch links for K below!
K has two TV seasons and six movies in total. The two seasons of K have a total of 26 episodes, with no fillers. This brings the filler percentage of the series to 0%.
So, you're all set; no fillers and many exciting episodes - start watching!