Jurassic World: Rebirth Trailer Brings 8 Dinosaurs and 1 Jurassic Park Connection

Published on February 6, 2025
Written by:
Ishita Chatterjee
Ishita Chatterjee
Streaming Staff Editor
Jurassic World: Rebirth (Credit- Universal)

2025 is bringing the Fantastic Four, Superman, and also the Jurassic World dinosaurs. A trailer for Jurassic World: Rebirth has been released and it introduces a new era after the Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard-led trilogy ended with Jurassic World Dominion. 

Director Gareth Edwards is bringing a new era of prehistoric beings with Scarlett Johansson, Jonathan Bailey, and Mahershala Ali. This time it again all connects back to the original Jurassic Park films. In this article, we will discuss what’s there in the trailer. 

What is Shown in the Jurassic World: Rebirth Trailer?

The trailer begins by introducing us to Scarlett Johansson’s Zora Bennett and Jonathan Bailey’s Dr. Henry Loomis. The former is in charge of seeing through a mission with Loomis- to go to an isolated island full of dinosaurs and get the DNAs of the three biggest land, air, and water species there. 

They are in search of a medical breakthrough that can save lives. But there’s a catch. As Johansson’s Bennett says, “This island was the research facility for the original Jurassic Park.” That’s not all. These dinosaurs were too dangerous for the original park and so the worst were left on that island. Check out the trailer below: 

Which Dinosaurs were Shown in the Trailer?

The dinosaur species that were spotted in the trailer of the Jurassic World: Rebirth film are:

Cast of Jurassic World: Rebirth 

Jurassic World: Rebirth will be released in theaters on Wednesday, July 2, 2025. 

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