A coming-of-age fantasy anime series, Violet Evergarden follows the story of its titular character's journey of reintegrating back into society after the war is over. Violet, a young female ex-soldier, gets a job at CH Postal Company, where she begins working as a ghostwriter for people who cannot write or are looking for help expressing their emotions in letters. Through several encounters with different people with a story to tell, Violet learns how finding the right words for loved ones isn’t easy.
Violet, who has only ever known how to be a soldier, tries to find purpose in life after the war is over. Having spent a significant amount of her life on the battlefield, she lacks emotions and struggles to feel empathy toward others. As a ghostwriter, she finally begins to understand emotions and the power of words.
The story of Violet Evergarden is quite beautiful and very well written. It shows the power that words hold in people's lives and how they can influence the perspective of a person about the world. While understanding her senders' emotions, Violet also discovers her feelings and faces her inner unrest.
Irrespective of what genre you love, Violet Evergarden is a true masterpiece and a must-watch for every anime fan! Fans looking to watch the series can check it out on Netflix. The recommended watch order for Violet Evergarden is its chronological order. We recommend the chronological order because the character development will not be consistent if you watch the special after completing the series.
Check out the full list of Violet Evergarden episodes, movies, specials, and the chronological and release order to watch them below:
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