We hope that you've received your iPhone X by now and that you're exploring its many options. Bundled with your iPhone X, you have also received the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system - iOS 11. What you maybe don't know is that iOS 11 comes with numerous small but helpful options and tweaks. One of those is the new one-handed keyboard. So, let's take a look at how to type with one hand on iPhone X?
What exactly is the new one-hand keyboard? Well, this option allows you to shift the default iOS keyboard to either the left or the right. As a result, you will be able to type more comfortably with a single hand. You know that the iPhone X brings a large keyboard - which is what makes this feature quite important.
It is also worth knowing that the one-handed keyboard isn't exclusive to the iPhone X. If you've purchased the iPhone 8 or 8 Plus, you can also find and use this option. As our readers have reported, the one-handed keyboard is a lifesaver on larger iPhone.
Let's take a look at how to utilize this feature.
There are two ways to activate this feature. First, let's take a look at how to momentarily make it active:
As you'll see, there is a white arrow next to the keyboard you've just picked. If you click on it, you can switch between the two modes of the one-handed keyboard.
By following our guide found above, you will activate the one-handed keyboard. However, it won't stay activated forever. However, there is a way to enable this feature by default:
We hope that you managed to learn how to type with one hand on iPhone X. The one-handed keyboard can be a real lifesaver at times, and we're sure you'll use it frequently.
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