How to Invert Colors on iPhone 13, Mini, Pro, and Pro Max

Published on October 6, 2021
Written by:
Novak Bozovic
Novak Bozovic
Tech & VPN Content Specialist

Your iPhone comes with a whole slate of accessibility options, letting you interact with iOS in a more comfortable way. With that said, we previously reported on using 'Reachability' - which helps you manage your large-screen iPhone more easily. And today, we'll show you how to invert colors on your iPhone 13, making images and text easier to discern and read. 

The following instructions apply to the entire iPhone 13 lineup (iPhone 13, Mini, Pro, and Pro Max). However, you can follow these instructions on any older iPhone as long as it supports iOS 15. 

How to Invert Colors on the iPhone 13? 

To invert colors on your iPhone 13, you need to use the 'Accessibility' group of options in the Settings app. Here's what precisely you need to do.  

1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone. 

2. Then, scroll down a bit and pick 'Accessibility.' 

3. Look at the top of your screen and pick 'Display & Text Size.' 

4. Now, pay attention to two features you'll find here – 'Smart Invert' and 'Classic Invert.'

Steps to Invert Colors on iPhone

5. 'Smart Invert' reverses the colors on display except for images and media. 

6. 'Classic Invert' is a more radical approach, where every single color is inverted. 

7. Activate any of those two options by flipping their switches on the right side. 

If you benefit from adjusting iOS in terms of how it animates and marks/displays certain elements, make sure to take a very good look at the 'Accessibility' panel. That especially applies to the top-placed group of options you'll find there, letting you increase the text size, outline shapes, and similar. 

For more tips and tricks, head over to our latest iPhone 13-related articles. You'll find a whole range of in-depth tutorials and step-by-step guides. 

That would be all on how to invert colors on your iPhone 13. If you have any questions for us, let us via the comments section below. Thanks for visiting TechNadu!

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