Snapchat Beta lets you test new features, Become a Beta Tester Now

Last updated July 13, 2021
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TechNadu Staff
TechNadu Staff
Staff Writer
Snapchat Beta

To those Avid Snapchatters. Snapchat often introduces new features for the users using its Snapchat Beta App. In this program, you can enroll into the beta tester and get all the new features and updates about it before anyone else.

Only one condition to be a beta tester. You must own an android device. Currently, the program is only available to its android users.

Additionally, Snapchat is rolling out a UI refresh on iOS in order to make it a bit easier to navigate and discover new content. One of the key changes is that there’s now a search bar atop every screen.

If you are chatting with someone and wants to search or add friends you do not need to swipe left or right or top just search it.

Overall this feature made the app very easier to use. Starting a chat is very simple and view a friend's story by tapping on the story thumbnail else press and hold to view their profile. Fewer Swipes, More Fun. Rumored to be coming soon on Android Beta.

If you have an Android phone and want to get the latest Snapchat features, like the newly redesigned search interface you can log into it by following the simple steps,

  1. Visit Google Play Store on your Android phone, Scroll down to see the join beta option or Click here to Sign up for Snapchat's beta now.
  2. Then delete the existing Snapchat app on your phone and re-download it from the store.
  3. Now you will be able to see "Snapchat Beta" in your Snapchat app settings.

Snapchat's warning "If your app crashes or won’t respond, it’s super helpful if you fill out any crash pop-ups you see!". The App might be unstable so don't be surprised if it crashes.

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