How to Change Snooze Time on iPhone 13, Mini, Pro, and Pro Max

Published on October 8, 2021
Written by:
Novak Bozovic
Novak Bozovic
Tech & VPN Content Specialist

If you’re having a hard time getting up as soon as your alarm goes off, then you must be well-acquainted with your iPhone’s snooze function. And with that said, you probably wonder how to change the snooze time on your iPhone 13, right? Well, that situation isn’t quite simple, so here’s all you need to know. 

This article is focused on the iPhone 13 generation (iPhone 13, Mini, Pro, and Pro Max). However, everything said above also applies to any other iPhone capable of running iOS 15.

How to Change the Snooze Time on the iPhone 13

There’s no way to change the snooze time on your iPhone 13, which is set to 9 minutes by default. However, there’s a workaround you could use, as explained just below. 

1. Launch the Clock app on your iPhone. 

2. Make sure you’re on the 'Alarm' tab (at the bottom of your phone’s screen). 

3. Now, tap on the plus icon, which you’ll find in the top-right corner. 

4. Set up a new alarm by choosing your preferred wake-up time. 

5. Make sure to disable the 'Snooze' option by flipping its switch to OFF. 

6. Once ready to add your new alarm, tap on 'Save.'

7. Now repeat the steps found above, creating another snooze-focused alarm. 

8. If you have a hard time waking up, feel free to set up multiple individual alarms. 

Steps to Set Up Alarm on iPhone

As you can see above, we instructed you to set a couple of individual alarms while keeping the 'Snooze' option disabled. That way, you have complete control over when the first alarm goes off, as well as when any subsequent (snooze) alarms try to wake you up. 

With that said, that would be the only way to change the snooze time on your iPhone 13, at least for now. If you want an automated solution, we recommend checking the iOS App Store, where you’ll find a huge number of third-party alarm clock apps. 

For more tips and tricks, make sure to check our latest iPhone 13-related articles. We’ve prepared plenty of tutorials and guides, showing you how to use your brand-new phone. 

That would be all on adjusting your iPhone 13’s snooze time. If you have any questions for us, let us know via the comments section below. And lastly, thanks for reading!

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