How Does Net Neutrality Affect Small Business?

Last updated June 21, 2021
Written by:
Novak Bozovic
Novak Bozovic
Tech & VPN Content Specialist

After the Net neutrality repeal vote, you are probably asking yourself how this latest development will affect you. One thing is sure – the repeal of Net Neutrality will affect everyone who uses the Web in the USA. However, it’s also clear that some users might be affected more than the others. Let’s take a look at how does Net neutrality affect small business.

Fast Lanes Vs. Slow Lanes

The Federal Communications Commission dismissed a set of rules established back in 2015. These were aimed to provide a fair play between everyone who connects and uses the Web. Here are some of the most important rules that are now no longer valid.

As you can see, all of these measures were needed to make sure that monopoly is avoided. However, the FCC decided that they were limiting the development of infrastructure and introduction of new services by ISPs. We will need to see how this turns out after the case goes to courts. In the meanwhile, let’s take a look at what this means for small businesses.

How Does Net Neutrality Affect Small Business

How Does Net Neutrality Affect Small Business?

The idea that is being considered at the moment is to provide certain companies access to so-called fast lanes of the Internet. In turn, this means that slow lanes also exist. For example, Facebook could make a deal with ISPs to allow their users unrestricted and high-speed access to this social network. In turn, this would push their competitors to use slow lanes. The same applies to just about other business.

Small businesses seem to be in a particular danger at the moment. There are big chances that they’ll be the most suffering victims of the elimination of Net neutrality rules. Here’s why is that.

Unfair Market Conditions

Without Net neutrality, ISPs have a complete control over the American Internet. This also means that ISPs are now able of throttling Web traffic to certain companies. This would allow large-scale companies, with lots of financial resources, to easily beat their competition.

As you surely know, site speed plays a crucial role in Google’s search rankings. In case small businesses experience their websites being throttled, this will automatically push them down when it comes to online search results.

Inability to Reach More Customers

Net neutrality rules were established with a single goal in mind – to make it easy for both large and small companies to find their place on the market. The Internet is an important aspect to this. Once again, this is where large sums of money come into play. On the other hand, small businesses won’t be able to compete against giants in their own niches. Therefore, they will have a hard time reaching their target audience.

Increased Monthly Expenses

We are sure that ISPs will come up with a plan to make them even richer. This could include creating a series of custom monthly plans for accessing high-speed connections. Once again, it’s clear what the goal is here. When talking about how does Net neutrality affect small business, it all depends on financial resources. To regain online visibility, which is of vital importance to businesses, they will need to increase their spending.

How Does Net Neutrality Affect Small Business

Final Thoughts

At the moment, Internet Service Providers are ensuring us that things won’t change. However, we don’t believe that. After all, the Net neutrality repeal was done for a reason – and we’ll soon find out why.

What are thoughts about these latest developments? Do you plan on fighting for Net neutrality and how? Let us know in the comments section below.

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