This February a story came out in the tech world about Google and its intention to build a full-fledged game streaming service. The company reportedly code-named the project 'Yeti,' which would be a subscription-based service and also involve hardware consoles. Apparently, this would be Google’s first attempt to headbang Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s PlayStation.
The rumors around the Google's new video game plans have gone stronger with its recent approach to game developers. Recently, Google has been gathering game development talent under its banner to create cloud-based games which would not demand heavy downloads. Google can easily pull off the cloud-based game streaming as it has plenty of data centers around the world and years of expertise in the cloud technology.
The experience would be somewhat close to playing ‘God of War’ on a Google Chrome's tab. This is the level of sophistication Google is heading to achieve with its game streaming service.
Kotaku, a video game website, has mentioned that the gaming platform by Google will have a strong integration with YouTube. In last few years, YouTube has built a massive directory of gaming related content. While the hardware aspect of the streaming platform has very limited information, it would definitely include a Chromecast feature to distribute its services. We learned that its affordable hardware would be its biggest selling point. Because even today, PlayStation and Xbox cost hundreds of dollars for a decent gaming experience.
Google has recently met with several big names from the gaming industry and proposed them to invest in its game streaming service. Google’s commitment towards this project will soon extend by taking over game development studios to create in-house content for its platform. Google has already hired some of the top players from EA, Microsoft, and PlayStation to soon change its placement in the gaming market.
It will be interesting to see how Google will tackle some of the apparent challenges like the high-bandwidth requirement for streaming heavy files and building new game franchises to fight established ones from Sony and Microsoft. The majority part of the world still relies on the slower connectivity and lacks patience for new games.
We are hopeful to see Google turning this plan into a complete product and become a strong competitor among the existing major players in the gaming market.
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