Fullmetal Alchemist's live-action film series began in 2017. Warner Bros. Japan has officially announced that the series will launch two more sequel films, one after the other, in 2022. The film series has officially been titled Fullmetal Alchemist Complete Edition. The first film, titled Fullmetal Alchemist, was directed by Fumihiko Sori.
The film was based on the manga series of the same name by Hiromu Arakawa and covered the first four volumes of the original storyline. The director of the 2017 film, Fumuhiko Sori, is returning to direct the two upcoming sequels. Read on for more details about the upcoming live-action sequels.
Fullmetal Alchemist Complete Edition, which began in 2017, is slated to finish its run in 2022 with the third film. The upcoming sequel to the 2017 movie is titled Fullmetal Alchemist: The Avenger Scar and is slated to release on May 20, 2022. According to Crunchyroll, the film will focus on antagonist Scar, who seeks retribution against King Bradley. Scar also wants revenge against the state military of Amestris for crimes against the Ishvalan people, including the death of his unnamed brother and family.
Check out the trailer for Fullmetal Alchemist: The Avenger Scar below:
On the other hand, the third and final film in Fullmetal Alchemist Complete Edition will adapt the manga's final chapter. The film is titled Fullmetal Alchemist: Final Transmutation and is slated to release on June 24, 2022.
Check out a poster for Fullmetal Alchemist: The Avenger Scar and cast details below:
The live-action cast of the Fullmetal Alchemist Complete Edition sees several actors reprising their roles from the first film. Returning members include Ryosuke Yamada as Edward Elric, Tsubasa Honda as Winry Rockbell, and Dean Fujioka as Colonel Roy Mustang. In addition, Misako Renbutsu as Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye of the Amestris Army, Ryuta Sato as Maes Hughes, Kanata Hongo as the homunculus Envy, and Shinji Uchiyama as the homunculus Gluttony are also returning for the new films.
New cast members announced for the sequels include:
More members of the Amestris army have also been cast, including:
Check out an alternate poster for the film, with Mackenyu Arata as Scar:
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