Fortnite vs PUBG: which is the better of the two games? Which one should you try out first? Should you play them on your phone or on the desktop? The whole of 2017 was dominated by battle royale and two games stood out the tallest: PUBG and Fortnite. But which among these is the better game?
PlayerUnknown’s Battleground has made a loud bang in PC gaming. And if all goes well, it will repeat the same success for mobile too. The game has already made millions and its charts will definitely go further up with the mobile game. Soon after PUBG, Fortnite came out with another battle royale winning formula.
But which of the two games has a definitive advantage over the other? The only way to find out is to do a parameter-wise breakdown of the similarities and differences between the two games. While there are plenty of differences, there are also quite a few differences between the two. So let’s put the two games in a tropical ring and make them fight for the only bottle of water.
Here are some major differentiators between PUBG and Fortnite. Take a look at these and decide which one is the better game for you.
The mechanics of both the games are as strikingly similar as their maps are strikingly different. For starters, the sizes are different. The Miramar and Erangel maps of PUB are 8x8km. The Fortnite map is way smaller. PUBG has two upcoming maps. One of them will be the same large size, while the other will be a condensed 4x4km map showing multiple islands.
One argument is that PUBG players might have to rely on some luck to win on the bigger maps. In unbecoming locations, they might have to sprint madly to any point that they believe will be safe for them. There are no vehicles in the Fortnite map though. The smaller size makes it easier for everyone to move safely and quickly.
On the whole, the Fortnite map is more hilly and concentrated, showing more high points and therefore, opportunities for snipers. However, there is a catch here. Larger open spaces in Erangel could make it very difficult for players to hide. So you can easily become prone in PUBG.
You also get a desert map with PUBG. Marimar is a welcome change for some from the lush greenery of Erangel. The map you play is randomly selected. But the addition of a new map will keep players busy as they try to master the new map.
At the moment, PUBG has multiple maps. And that is a definite advantage in its favor. At the same time, Epic Games’ Fortnite has added to new locations (Snobby Shores, Lucky landing, Titled Towers) to their existing maps. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a high-risk setting full of tension, you should go for PUBG. For cheesier names on the map (Tomato Town!), stick to Fortnite.
It is very important to not follow the crowd in PC gaming. But even then, you get ample assistance when the lobbies are populated in multiplayer games like PUBG and Fortnite.
For quite some time now the Battle Royale set of Epic Games has been a bigger thing than PlayerUnknown’s Battleground. For the moment, the fight of player count rests safely with Fortnite. Fortnite boasts of 45 million players with an astounding count of 3 million concurrent players.
The number of players for PUB is no bummer either. The game has crunch numbers even after losing players in January earlier this year. On the sunnier side for PUBG, it has registered staggering revenues. In 2017, the game made the company richer by $700 million.
But Fortnite has surpassed the monthly revenue of PUBG and become a larger YouTube sensation that even Minecraft. That said, it is best to not let the company revenue or the number of players decide which game you plan and which you don’t. The experience is great on both and there is no dearth of rivals to kill on either.
Both Fortnite and PUBG are big battles. And weapons play a decisive role in both the games. With regard to weapons, the two games are excitingly different. The real choice is between complexity and accessibility.
In PUBG, you will find a large variety of weapons to choose from. Honestly, PUBG has a lot more weapons and other items that Fortnite Battle Royale. It can be a little complex for new players who have little experience with military sims. Plus, getting the best weapons is sufficiently risky, too. Typically, you will need to run to a crate dropped by a visibly loud helicopter or travel to dangerous military bases.
There are three rarity scales for the weapons and items available in PUBG. These are typically common, rare, and uncommon. Delineation by color is available only in Fortnite Battle Royale though. Items like vests, helmets, and backpacks can only be found between levels one and three.
Honestly, shooter fans with experience in military sim will love PUBG. If you really want complex weapon physics (firing mode, bullet velocity, and DPS), you should go for PUBG.
Fortnite’s weapon mechanism is a bit different from PUBG (and a lot more accessible). For one, the weapon you newly acquire has a clear color coding that tells you of its rarity. Grey is common, green is uncommon, blue is rare, purple is epic, and orange is legendary. You get a hang of these colors once you start the game.
Fortnite has lesser items and weapons compared to PUBG. There are just about four weapon types and there is no worry over which ammo is the best or what mods to equip. Each weapon class has one ammo type and you just have to hope the gun has a decent scope.
Another major difference between the two games is the places where weapons and items are stored. In PUBG, you might have to risk everything for a weapons chest. But in Fortnite, the weapons come stored in glowing chests. They are typically placed around the same corners but do not exactly come to you in every round. The twinkling sound tells you there’s a chest in the vicinity.
To sum it up, Fortnite’s weapons are more accessible than PUBG. If you are new to shooter games, you can try this one out first. We are not saying the mechanism is easy but you will surely require lesser time to master it.
In a timeline not very far from now, the multiplayer battle will happen on a totally new terrain – mobile. The mobile game for PUBG is already out in many parts of the world. Even better, it is available both on Android and iOS. On the other hand, Fortnite is rolling out on iOS first. Some people are lucky enough to lay hands on their mobile.
While the iOS version of the portable Fortnite game has released already, fans are expecting an Android release as well in the near future. In either case, you will need a powerful device to run the mobile version of Fortnite Battle Royale.
For the most part, both companies (Tencent and Epic) seem to have done a terrific job replicating their PC games for mobile. But for people who have used a mouse and keyboard before, the touch-screen controls are definitely not very easy to master. Even at the invite-only round, Fortnite topped the iOS charts in the first week. And PUBG mobile already has over a million reviews on Android alone. Clearly, this battle is not settled yet!
The consensus over the graphics is that Fortnite is the better-looking game between the two. Moreover, it also outruns PUBG in performance. As some users have already found out, it can take some doing to make PUBG run on a computer. Notwithstanding that, PUBG has made full use of their limited resources and created a nearly stunning graphical experience.
PUBG has a tough, militaristic appeal while Fortnite’s graphical dimension is one the same level with Pixar. The latter can be disadvantageous in terms of gameplay though. You have few camouflage options when you are standing out so brightly against the rest of the world.
Fortnite could come across as the more appealing. But a lot of gamers might still go for PUBG where it is easier to blend into the greens, browns, and greys of Erangel.
There is no real difference between Fortnite Battle Royale and PlayerUnknown’s Battleground. It is safe to say that Fortnite’s gameplay is evidently copied from PUBG. It can be argued that Fortnite had access to PUBG’s homework. But the former definitely added some construction of their own.
In the gameplay battle between Fortnite and PUBG, the building is the most important divergence between the two games. In Fortnite, you use the wood, metal, and stone you have stockpiled to construct. But it only works at the end of the match. Constructions are noticeable. You make them at any random time and your enemies will easily spot you.
There is no construction luxury in PUBG. All you have for cover is the map. However, as and when you learn efficient use of the map, you will use it better.
You could easily mistake one game for the other between Fortnite and PUBG. Both games can be played with a single player, two players, or a team. The goal is to be the last man on the island. There is deadly gas all around and the safe space is shrinking like cotton candy. You pop on the map without any items or weapons. You decide what strategy is best for your survival.
Moving ahead of the similarities, there are plenty of differences between the two games. That is what makes individual experiences on these games rather distinctive. Fortnite is accessible, light, and has a dense map. PUBG is complex, exhaustive and has an extra map.
Both games attract a huge number of player around the globe. These are two excellent games. We would recommend Fortnite Battle Royale is you are more of a casual player. You should opt in for PUBG if you are more of a seasoned shooter.
The best thing is you always have an option to take a shot at both games and choose the one that works best for you.