Attack on Titan: The Final Season recently aired its latest episode, titled "Two Brothers," and fans are in shock! Episode 19 of the last season featured some of the most unexpected incidents, leaving fans with several questions. One of the least-liked characters from the AOT fandom, Gabi, decides to take a shot at our favorite villain protagonist, blowing his head off.
This has led to confused fans asking online: Did Gabi kill Eren? Well, let's look at some of the events of the latest episode and deduce what happened to Eren Yeager. Because if he isn't dead, how did Eren survive being shot by Gabi? Read on to find out.
Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 Episode 3, titled "Two Brothers," featured one of the most shocking scenes of the entire series. The AOT fandom's least favorite character, Gabi Braun, shoots fan-favorite protagonist and villain Eren Yeager. Eren's head is blown off and can be seen spinning mid-air, detached from his body.
However, Zeke Yeager manages to catch his younger brother's head just before dying. Because Zeke caught Eren before he passed on, Eren teleports to "The Paths," where Zeke is waiting for him. Zeke then explains to Eren that he has been waiting for a long time for him to recover.
So no, we do not think Eren Yeager is dead. Let's take an objective look at why we believe Eren is still alive in Season 4 of Attack on Titan:
Recalling the events of Season 4, Episode 15, fans will remember that Zeke Yeager also experienced something very similar. There, we saw Zeke get torn apart and on the brink of death because he exploded the Thunder Spear that Captain Levi Ackerman impaled him with. However, Zeke awakens from this experience, fully healed, after a short trip to "The Paths," where the Founder Ymir rebuilds his body with soil.
Since Ymir could do this for Zeke, it's safe to assume she can do it for Eren as well.
Eren and Zeke's conversation in "The Paths" was nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. Eren decides to betray Zeke, which we had already guessed, and confesses that the only reason he played along was to get to this point. However, in a twist of events, Zeke reveals that he was only testing Eren's intentions, for he is the one in control of the Founder's powers.
However, even though Zeke is disappointed and upset with Eren's betrayal, he thinks of him as his little brother. He believes that their father, Grisha Yeager was the real culprit and is responsible for brainwashing Eren, turning him into the person he is. Zeke then tells Eren that he will "fix him" and wants to "change the world" with Eren by his side. This implies that even if Eren is currently dead, Zeke can use the Founder's powers to bring him back to life, which seems like what he plans to do anyway.
In addition, fans can also watch the preview for the upcoming episode of Attack on Titan, which starts with the line, "The younger brother rejects his older brother, and the older brother refuses to abandon his younger brother." This confirms what we believe, that even if Eren is dead, Zeke will save him no matter what.
Ever since Attack on Titan Season 4 began, fans have been waiting for "The Rumbling." But first, what is the Rumbling? It's a hypothetical cataclysmic event that involves King Karl Fritz's Wall Titans marching across the earth, destroying all life upon it. However, this event can only activate if a Subject of Ymir possesses the Founding Titan and Royal blood.
This means that the Rumbling requires both Eren and Zeke to come in contact and activate the Founder's powers. Simply put, without Eren, the Rumbling isn't possible. We highly doubt that mangaka Hajime Isayama would have Eren die before fans get to see at least the small-scale Rumbling that Eren planned on activating before.
So here, these are our reasons for believing Eren is alive and will be seen in the episodes to come! We could be wrong, so we'll have to wait for next week to find out!
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