Discovery Plus Watchlist Disappeared? Here’s What to Do

Last updated July 7, 2021
Written by:
Gabriela Vatu
Gabriela Vatu
Streaming Writer

Discovery Plus users have been reporting various issues with the service. For instance, they're having issues trying to save shows to their watchlists so they do not lose track of them and then finding that nothing actually saved. Let's see what we have to do here. 

As we're browsing Discovery Plus, it's easy to discover a lot of shows we love from the many networks included with the service. Whether we're going to add all our favorites to the list and try to catch up later on or look for new things we may be interested in seeing, it's up to every one of us.

However, some folks are reporting that their shows aren't getting saved to the watchlist. In fact, enough people have been signaling this problem that Discovery Plus has addressed the issue.

What to Do When Shows Are Not Saving to My List?

If your watchlist comes up empty, there are a few steps you can take to fix the problem. 

If the problem persists, you may want to contact the Discovery Plus Customer Support team. Installing and uninstalling the app should also be on your to-do list if the problem doesn't fix itself, as it may very well reset whatever issue there was that was messing things up for you. 

Discovery Plus is proving to be a pretty reliable app, but there are some issues that are popping up. Thankfully, there's nothing too serious on the list. 

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