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How to Configure NordVPN on Synology

Last updated January 6, 2025
Written by:
Shummas Humayun
Shummas Humayun
VPN Guide Writer

NordVPN works on Synology devices through manual configuration. In other words, you'll get to pick a server from among the VPN's 7,400+ servers in 118 countries and configure a connection on your Synology NAS to that specific server. This will encrypt your incoming/outgoing traffic.

Note that NordVPN mentions Synology 5.1 and 6.1 software versions on its website, which are the most widely used versions at the moment. However, there's no official list of supported Synology NAS devices. That said, as long as your NAS supports VPNs, you should be able to configure NordVPN.

In this article, you'll learn how to configure NordVPN on Synology versions 5.1 and 6.1 with in-depth and thorough instructions.

How to Configure NordVPN on Synology

Older versions of Synology, like 5.1 and earlier, require you to manually set up a NordVPN connection. That's done by inputting a series of information you can find on the VPN's site, which we'll list below. Newer versions of Synology (6.1 and up) make this process easier by allowing you to upload an OVPN file with all the instructions needed. Let's explain everything in detail.

How to Configure NordVPN on Synology 5.1

If your Synology NAS device runs DiskStation Manager 5.1, you can configure NordVPN's OpenVPN client on it. Here, we've provided a step-by-step guide on how to configure and use NordVPN on Synology 5.1.

1. Sign up for NordVPN using a computer and any Web browser.

2. Log in to your Synology NAS and choose the 'Control Panel' option.

Click "Control Panel" icon on Synology NAS

3. Move on to the 'Network' option.

Click "Network" icon in the Control Panel window

4. On the upcoming screen, create a new VPN profile.

Click "Create VPN profile" in the Network Interface tab

5. Select the 'OpenVPN' option in the pop-up window and click 'Next.' 

Select "OpenVPN" from the choices for VPN Connection Method

6. Now, download NordVPN's CA certificates for further steps.

7. After that, enter the following information:

Here's how you can get your NordVPN service credentials:

  1. Navigate to NordVPN account dashboard > 'NordVPN.'
  2. Click on 'Set up NordVPN manually.'
  3. Enter the verification code (from your NordVPN-associated email).
  4. Copy the credentials under the box titled 'Service credentials (manual setup).'
NordVPN service credentials found in the "Manual setup" window
Fill in the information in the "General Settings" pop-up window on Synology NAS

8. Click 'Next' and check all the boxes in the Advanced Settings, and hit 'Apply.'

"Advanced Settings" pop-up window on Synology NAS

9. Now, when you click on 'connect' from your recently created VPN profile, an error will pop up.

Connection error from the VPN profile you created as seen in the Synology NAS network list

10. You need to edit your OpenVPN profile from 'Terminal & SNMP' > check 'Enable SSH service.'

Terminal tab in Synology NAS Control Panel's "Terminal & SNMP" sub-menu

11. Open a terminal window on the device you're using and enter the below command:

ssh root@(ip of your synology)

Note: The root password is the one you use for administrative access to your NAS device.

Terminal window displaying root password

12. After that, change directories by typing in the below command:

cd /usr/syno/etc/synovpnclient/openvpn
ls -al

13. Type in the below command and replace the connection_id with your actual connection ID: 

vi tls_auth_connection_id.key
Window displaying your connection ID in the last line

14. Open the directory with the extracted CA certificates, and you'll see the tls-auth.key files there. 

15. Select the one key file corresponding to the VPN server you're going to use.

16. Open it in a text editor and copy the content.

17. Launch a terminal window, press 'A,' and paste the content you've copied earlier.

Terminal window containing the copied content of the file corresponding to the VPN server you'll use

18. Next, press the 'Escape' button and type in :wq.

Terminal window with ":wq" in the last line

19. If you're using the ls -al command instead, you'll get a different output like the image below.

Output in the terminal window if you use "ls - al" command

20. To finish the client_(connection_id) file, open the file with vi and then paste the below content.

21. Replace the tls-auth.key with the name of the key file you've created before.

cipher AES-256-CBC
remote-cert-tls server
auth SHA512
tls-auth tls_auth_o1430912123.key 1
tun-mtu 1500
tun-mtu-extra 32
mssfix 1450
ping 15
ping-restart 0
log-append /volume1/tmp/NordVPN.log

22. Now, save the file by pressing the 'Escape' button and typing :wq.

23. Go back to your web browser and click 'Connect.'

NordVPN connecting to Synology NAS as seen on the Synology Network list

24. Now, NordVPN will be connected to your Synology NAS.

25. To disconnect, simply click the 'Disconnect' button on the Synology Network list.

How to Configure NordVPN on Synology 6.1

To configure NordVPN on Synology 6.1 or later, you'll need to download an OpenVPN file from NordVPN's website. Then, you'll upload that file to your Synology NAS. Just follow these steps:

1. Get NordVPN using a Web browser on your computer.

2. Now, log into your Synology device and visit the Control Panel.

Click "Control Panel" icon on Synology NAS

3. Navigate to Network and follow this path: 'Network Interface' > 'Create' > 'Create VPN profile.'

Steps on how to create VPN profile on Synology NAS

4. Check the option 'OpenVPN (via importing a .ovpn file)' and click the 'Next' button. 

Select "OpenVPN" from the choices for VPN Connection Method

5. Open NordVPN's server configuration page.

6. Choose 'Show available protocols' > 'Download config' next to OpenVPN.

Select "Download config" next to OpenVPN UCP/TCP on NordVPN's server configuration page

7. Now, fill in the fields mentioned below: 

8. Click on 'Next', check all the boxes under Advanced Settings and hit 'Apply.'

"Advanced Settings" pop-up window on Synology NAS

9. Click on the profile you created and hit 'Connect.' The status of this profile will become Connected.

Click the VPN profile you created, then hit the "Connect" button

10. In case you face any issues with the connection, open the .ovpn configuration file and add the line: 

log-append /var/log/NordVPN.log

11. If it doesn't help, contact NordVPN's 24/7 chat support and share the log file from the directory. 


Final Thoughts

Even though configuring NordVPN on Synology NAS devices takes some time, you'll end up with a highly secure connection on your file-sharing device. NordVPN's nicely organized website makes it easy to gather the required information, making this otherwise complex procedure as simple as possible.

Remember that NordVPN gives you up to 10 simultaneous connections, so why not use it on more devices (especially those you use on the go)? Our central guide on how to set up NordVPN will provide more information on how to make that happen.

Furthermore, even though NordVPN offers high-end data protection and everything else you need for your NAS device, it's not the only option available. If you're still open to alternatives, check out the best VPNs for Synology NAS to see what kind of features you can expect from NordVPN's competitors.

That's all! Now you know how to set up and use NordVPN on Synology NAS devices. If you have any extra questions, drop us a comment below. Thanks for reading!

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