Privacy is one of the biggest concerns of modern day internet users. Keeping this in mind, Cloudflare has just introduced its new DNS service But is another DNS really necessary with solid offerings from Google and Comodo circulating in the market? Well, Cloudflare claims to be the internet’s fastest privacy-first consumer DNS service, and that is more than welcome.
You should know that the network operators of ISPs, WiFi hotspots, mobile networks, or whatever network you connect to, will dictate what consumer DNS you will use. This can spell many privacy concerns, as now the network operators gain a front row seat to all the content you surf online.
According to Cloudflare, “What many Internet users don't realize is that even if you're visiting a website that is encrypted -- has the little green lock in your browser -- that doesn't keep your DNS resolver from knowing the identity of all the sites you visit. That means, by default, your ISP, every wifi network you've connected to, and your mobile network provider have a list of every site you've visited while using them.”
Image Courtesy of HighTech Caller
With Cloudflare’s objective is to fight against this privacy aspect and deny ISPs from tracking users’ browsing history. Now, in doing so, Cloudflare has stated that they will also have to log data to prevent abuse or for debugging purposes, but the data will also be deleted within 24 hours. They have also assured that none of the acquired user data will be sold or used for advertisement purposes.
So by now, Cloudflare’s has established itself to be one of the most privacy-focused consumer DNS services. Now comes its claim to be the fastest. Well, the company has claimed that it will be faster in comparison to the Google Public DNS, Cisco OpenDNS, and even the average ISP.
As of now, the DNS service will be available for iPhone, Android devices, MacOS, Windows, Linux and even Routers. There is also an easy step by step guide which can be easily accessed. All a user needs to do is type in on their web browsers and select the device platform from which they wish to access the settings.