Chrome 57 will now reduce CPU load for better battery life

Last updated September 20, 2021
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TechNadu Staff
TechNadu Staff
Staff Writer

Usually, if you are surfing anything on the internet, surely two to three tabs gets open in the background, it will eat your Laptop battery’s life and consume more power.

Last year, a battery life war between Chrome and Microsoft, then chrome take action, while chrome 53 already taking an initial step for improving batteries life.

On Tuesday Google released chrome 57 for further power reduction. It will begin throttling individual background tabs using excessive power in an effort to prolong your device's battery life.

Now, it’s going to delay timers to limit the average CPU load to 1 percent of a core. Roughly 25% of charges were consumed on opening the background tabs.

That not only means better battery life but an easier load on the processor, which could mean a more responsive experience on devices with slower processors. This new mechanism won’t affect our background tabs that are playing audio or active connection of running software like WebSockets or WebRTC.

Google hopes that more web page developers will be able to adjust to the browser’s new API’s. And the company promises to take a step for ‘user’s battery life and power reduction plan’ in future chrome releases.

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