Brave Browser Ditches Google Search in Germany and France

Last updated June 29, 2021
Written by:
Nitish Singh
Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Ad privacy practices by Google have often been criticized due to how hidden they are. The tech giant is not very transparent about privacy changes and makes it difficult for the average user to locate tracking and ad-related features. Ad-blocking web browser Brave is ditching Google in favor of rival Qwant in France and Germany.

Brave has also launched a legal complaint against Google over its privacy practices. Chief Executive and former Mozilla Firefox leader Brendan Eich revealed in a statement "With the ongoing privacy invasions from technology giants that make a living by exploiting user data, people need tools to fight back and take a stand to protect themselves.”

Brave is taking on Google with the help of the Open Rights Group and researcher Michael Veale from University College London. The tech giant has been charged with violating GDPR regulations which went into effect all over Europe earlier this year in an attempt to improve the state of privacy protection.

According to Brave, ads can be useful without needing to broadcast any personal data. Ads in the startup’s web browser are targeted without pushing any data to advertisers and publishers. Google denied the charges filed against them and stated that privacy and security are built into their products in the earliest stages of development. Data transparency and controls are offered by the tech giant but the settings are often located inconveniently for most users to find and manage their personal settings.

Brave is developing its new project titled ‘Gemini’ which pays both publishers and users for ads. The feature is yet to go live on the platform and will be published later this year. The browser will also be including Qwant as its search engine due to the focus on privacy and user controls.

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