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Best WWE Kodi Addon (& How to Install It) in 2022

Last updated January 18, 2022
Written by:
Novak Bozovic
Novak Bozovic
Tech & VPN Content Specialist

It's true that streaming WWE-related content on Kodi is possible - but know that you don't have plenty of options right now. When you set out to search for the best WWE Kodi addons, you will most likely find a handful of options, most of which won't work properly.

After plenty of testing and trying out all kinds of addons, we've settled on a single option. We're talking about 'WWE Network,' which requires a valid subscription to work. And with that said, this truly is the best way to watch WWE on Kodi in 2022 - at least for now.

So, let's show you what to expect out of that addon, how to install it, and plenty more.


Kodi 19 ‘Matrix’ is the latest available major version of the application (Kodi 19.1Kodi 19.2, Kodi 19.3, and Kodi 19.4 were also released). Still, if you haven’t updated Kodi yet, know that the latest version breaks compatibility with a large number of add-ons.

You’ll need to wait for third-party developers to make their add-ons compatible with Kodi 19, which could take a while. We’ve seen some progress when it comes to add-ons from Kodi’s official repository. However, the situation is still very problematic for add-ons that come from outside Kodi’s repository.

Therefore, if you use many add-ons, stick to Kodi 18.9 for now. Keep in mind that downgrading from Kodi 19 to Kodi 18 can be a very tricky task to accomplish (even impossible in many cases).

Make Sure to Use a VPN When Watching WWE on Kodi - Here's Why!

When using WWE-focused Kodi addons, you need a VPN if you want to reach (unblock) more content while making sure your privacy is intact.

WWE events are often geo-restricted, as WWE has numerous partners around the world. That means that you might miss out on some events, based on where you live. However, that's not a problem if you use a VPN - as that type of software unblocks any Kodi addon out there.

By changing your IP address, a VPN will make it look like you're somewhere else. That makes it easy to unblock more content via Kodi, without thinking of any restrictions or geo-blocks.

Aside from that, VPNs hide your Web traffic from your ISP (Internet service provider), which can often improve your overall media streaming experience. You'll encounter less buffering and steadier performance.

To learn more about your options, here are the best VPNs for Kodi. And also, don't forget to check how to use a Kodi VPN.

Based on our experience, we recommend ExpressVPN, which comes as the best VPN for Kodi right now. If you subscribe to ExpressVPN today, you can save 49% and get 3 EXTRA MONTHS added to your subscription!

Best WWE Kodi Addon in 2022

And now, let's talk about the best WWE-focused Kodi addon, which would be the 'WWE Network' addon. Here's all you need to know.

WWE Network Kodi Addon
Author Bay_Wolf
Version 2.0.6
Size N/A
Video Streaming Quality Mostly in 720p.
Available Content Content sourced from WWE Network.
Geo-Restrictions Available worldwide.
Compatibility Up to Kodi v18.9 (no support for Kodi v19).
Download ZIP File Download from GitHub

If you’re into WWE, it’s not a bad idea to invest in a subscription. As you can imagine, the most famous media streaming service that’s all about wrestling is WWE Network. For $9.99/month, you can unlock over 9,000 hours of on-demand programming.

What’s unique about 'WWE Network' is that it offers its own original content as well. You will get to watch TV series like Wrestlemania, Destruction of The Shield, WWE Ride Along, Stone Cold Podcasts, Best of WWE Hall of Fame, and many others.

How to Install WWE Network Addon on Kodi?

WWE Network doesn't come from Kodi's repository. You'll need to install it from GitHub. So, here's what exactly you need to do:

After you finish installing WWE Network, this addon will be placed in the 'Add-ons' section (Video Add-ons). Go ahead, find and launch it.

As you’ll see, you will be asked for your credentials. If you don’t have an account at WWE Network, you can create one, free-of-charge for the first month. After that, you’ll need to continue paying $9.99 on a monthly basis.

There are different ways to install addons such as 'WWE Network.' With that said, you can check our detailed guide to installing Kodi addons from GitHub. And if you wish to unlock Kodi and use even more add-ons, here's how to install addons for Kodi from ZIP files.

WWE Kodi Addons Not Working? Try This!

As you can see above, the 'WWE Network' addon comes from GitHub. So, certain errors might pop up, preventing you from installing the addon. In that case, here's what to do.

In the end, we would also like to recommend our central guide on how to fix Kodi errors. That's where you'll find several solutions to various problems with Kodi, so make sure to take a look.

Which WWE Addons for Kodi No Longer Work (Or Have Shut Down Permanently)?

To help you avoid those that no longer work, we'll highlight some of the most popular WWE addons that are now obsolete (they either don't work anymore, or they're no longer available):

Which Illegal WWE Kodi Addons Should You Avoid?

WWE Kodi addons like Fight Club, DS9, Rising Tides, The Crew, Sportowa, and Sport 365 are often recommended on the Web - but know that all of them are illegal.

Those addons enable piracy as they use illegal content providers, which is why they offer their content for free. With that said, using those addons comes with many risks as copyright infringement is against the law in most countries.

So, make sure to stick to our recommendations only. Even though you don't have too many options for watching WWE for Kodi, that's really not an excuse to reach for illegal sources of content (even if you hide your Web traffic through a VPN).

Our guide to the best Kodi addons brings you everything you need - more than sixty addons from a dozen different categories. And if you wish to explore similar articles, check out the best repositories for Kodi, as well as the best Kodi skins.

That would be all we've prepared on the best WWE Kodi addons in 2022. However, there's no need to stop here - as you can keep exploring the latest Kodi articles on TechNadu. Let us know if you have any comments, and thanks for reading!

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