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When it comes to Indian cinematography, most people have heard about Bollywood. It's true that Bollywood reflects all of the things associated with India, such as colorful sceneries, catchy songs, and more. However, this isn't where your interest in Indian cinema should stop. Have you heard about Kollywood? If not, you're missing out on highly entertaining Tamil films. In fact, Tamil cinema is one of the oldest of its kind. The first silent film was made in 1918, named Keechaka Vadham. Today, more than 350 Tamil movies are being released each year. This is why we have decided to bring you an overview of the best Tamil Kodi addons.
The thing about Tamil addons for Kodi is that you have to dive deep to find reliable content sources. So, know that you won't have much luck with Kodi's official repository, which is why we'll turn to unofficial addons (found on GitHub). So, let's uncover truly the best options available now.
Accessing Tamil addons on Kodi is best done with the help of VPNs. That's because you need a VPN to help you reach new content and optimize your streaming experience.
Just below, we have a small but content-rich set of recommendations. The addons you'll see there should be available everywhere. However, their content is served on a per-country basis, so don't be surprised if you see a limited selection of movies and TV shows.
To bypass that issue, you need a VPN. That will help you obtain another country's IP address, making it look like you're somewhere else. Aside from that, a VPN will help stabilize your Web connection if ISP-induced throttling is involved, leading to smoother streaming.
If you'd like to check all your options, here are the best VPNs for Kodi. Also, don't forget to read about how to use a Kodi VPN.
Without further ado, these are the 4 best Tamil addons for Kodi:
Once you install and launch Einthusan on your Kodi, you will see why this is one of the best Tamil Kodi addons right now. On its home screen, you can pick from several languages – and one of them is Tamil.
Once inside the addon, you'll see different ways to present the available library of titles. You can browse by name, year, recently added, featured, or use the search tool.
Einthusan offers a large selection of Tamil movies, both recently released and older titles. The only downside is that the addon's library doesn't really receive new content regularly. Still, knowing how many titles are already available, we're sure you'll love this Kodi addon.
Our next suggestion when it comes to the best Tamil Kodi addons is none other than YouTube. You might be surprised to see this video streaming service on our list, but there are several good reasons why you should use YouTube on Kodi.
As said in the introduction to this article, Tamil cinema comes with a very long and rich history. Naturally, many Tamil movies can now be found on the Web, free of charge. These are mostly older movies that are copyright-free, which is where YouTube comes into play. At the moment, you can find hundreds of older Tamil movies on this video streaming service.
Whether you're looking for classics or freshly released Tamil movies, Netflix comes as an ever-expanding source of that type of content. Even though Netflix isn't a specialized source of Indian movies, you will most definitely be surprised by what you'll find here. And we also have to praise this streaming service's effort of bringing Indian (and Tamil, of course) movies to a worldwide audience.
With that said, know that the Netflix Kodi addon is an unofficial addon. Still, it's 100% legal, and it requires you to have an active subscription to this streaming platform. So, if you meet those requirements, you'll get unrestricted access based on your country's Netflix library. And speaking of restrictions - here's a handy trick on how to get more movies on Netflix.
The majority of the addons listed in this guide come from GitHub, which is what may confuse Kodi users. So, to install Tamil addons from GitHub, do the following:
In case you'd like to check additional methods, here's our central guide on how to install Kodi addons from GitHub. You'll also want to check how to install addons for Kodi from ZIP files.
We have to admit that even the best Tamil Kodi addons can be unpredictable in terms of their performance and behavior. With that, here's what you can do if you encounter a malfunctioning addon for Kodi.
A number of previously popular Tamil addons have ceased to exist - either voluntarily or after being forced by anti-privacy agencies. So, here's the list of Tamil addons that are either broken temporarily or completely shut down:
Many other websites are quick to recommend addons like Aftershock, TamilKodi, and TV on DESI ZONE. However, know that those addons are illegal to use!
They all source their content from pirate websites. Since they don't have the required rights to distribute their content, that constitutes copyright infringement. So, if you're "caught" using any of those, you might be forced to agree to pay a hefty fine.
Be smart when using Kodi and rely only on addons from its official repo (and other trustful external sources). If you want more info, turn to our guide on using Kodi legally.
Those would be the best Tamil Kodi addons you'll find in 2022. Before we let you go, we'll recommend checking our latest Kodi articles for more tips and tricks. Thanks for reading!