With Russia banning Telegram for 15.8 million Russian IPs in April, its impact is being felt by the social messaging app even outside of Russia. Apple previously refused to comply with the Russian government’s request to take the app down from the iOS App Store, but the tech giant is changing its stance towards the app. Apple has been refusing app updates for the app since mid-April, and it has caused multiple features to stop working following the iOS 11.4 update.
CEO Pavel Durov revealed how Apple had blocked updates globally despite the app being banned only in Russia. There is a chance the ban may be reverted with the Russian telecom regulator Roskomnadzor’s actions being put into question and a probe being launched by the Russian government into the legality of the ban. Until then, it seems like Apple users will be unable to use Telegram with all features if they update to the latest version of iOS. App updates contain not only new features but also security patches which are important.
The ban went into effect after the developers refused to hand over the encryption keys to Russian authorities. The Federal Security Service of Russia took action against the app, which led to a court rule to get the app banned in Russia. The request was made by the Russian authorities as they cited terrorist activity as a prime reason to track Telegram users. With the app’s high-end security features being the USP of the app, many criminal organizations are reported to be using Telegram as a means of communication.
Around 7% of the app's user base is from Russia, which has impacted the app significantly, and Apple’s decision to block updates can impact the app globally. Users were able to temporarily use VPNs to use the app after the ban, but VPN services were also banned in Russia, forcing the app to be put out of commission in the country.