A number of social media websites are taking down videos, podcasts and social media posts by Alex Jones citing hate speech reasons. Facebook and YouTube took down numerous videos posted by him last month and also banned his pages, but the controversial figure continues to violate rules set in place by other websites. Apple took down five of six podcasts by the conspiracy theorist and has also removed his artist page from the platform after he was found guilty of violating guidelines regarding hate speech. Spotify and Deezer have also taken down a number of podcasts citing the same reasons.
Alex Jones is a popular controversy theorist and is known for his podcasts and videos under the InfoWars banner. Apple revealed that they have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech and expect content creators and developers to abide by the rules. The company revealed in a statement that Jones was found guilty of violating the company’s guidelines, forcing the company to remove almost all of his podcasts as they prevent iTunes from being a safe environment.
Unlike Facebook and YouTube, Apple has not banned Jones from the iTunes platform yet and will be allowing content to be posted by him as long all content regulations are followed.
Alex Jones is currently facing legal charges by parents of children who were killed during the Sandy Hook massacre. In one of his controversial podcasts, Jones claimed that the entire mass shooting incident from 2012 was just a hoax. Despite Apple, YouTube, Facebook and other platforms removing his content there are other lesser-known websites where his podcasts and videos are still available.
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