Threat actors found a way around Apple’s iMessage protection mechanism that automatically disables links from unknown senders. Scammers impersonate known entities and, using an urgent tone, ask users to reply…
Security researchers uncovered a stealthy WordPress card skimmer that embeds itself directly into the checkout process. The malware uses data transfer obfuscation and does not target theme files or plugins…
The hacktivist group known as Mr. Hamza recently claimed to have launched DDoS attacks on the U.K.’s MI6 and Europe's ENISA. Both government threat intelligence portals were operational upon later…
A ransomware group launched last year seems to take the spear position in compromised entities. While it’s not the first occurrence of artificial intelligence assistance in malware development, FunkSec operators…
The data breach claimed by the Natohub threat actor on January 5 is confirmed by the United Nations' specialized aviation agency. Investigations revealed that sensitive details belonging to north of…
Location data of millions of users globally is revealed via apps without the consent of users or app makers. Android and iOS apps have ads that stealthily trace precise user…
The personal details of individuals participating in Nike’s lottery are apparently for sale on a popular data breach forum. Over 42 million log entries are contained in the data set…
Man With No Past is an action-packed sci-fi thriller starring Adam Woodward, known for his role in Hollyoaks. Directed by James Bamford, the film explores…
Incognito is an upcoming Philippine action drama set to deliver a thrilling mix of suspense, drama, and intense action. Recently, the official trailer was unveiled…
Molly-Mae: Behind It All is set to offer a raw, unfiltered look into Molly-Mae Hague’s life as a mother, entrepreneur, and influencer. This highly anticipated…
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