The Final Destination: Bloodlines trailer is here, and it’s already going viral. The movie brings back what this franchise is loved and known for: the meticulously crafted series of events that ultimately result in the death of a person. The teaser already grabbed attention with the scene of a broken piece of glass getting into a drink. Now, the full-fledged trailer has made everyone slack-jawed and excited for what’s about to come.
The Final Destination: Bloodlines trailer begins with a family outing. We see people barbecuing, drinking, jumping on trampolines, chatting, and hanging out. However, death is knocking on their door.
There’s a piece of glass in someone’s drink, the barbecue grill gets too hot, a metal piece with spikes on it is placed right below the trampoline, and more such series of interconnected little events result in the death of a senior member of the family. Then we get to know the plot of the film.
Decades ago, the grandmother had a premonition. She saw many dying during a dance happening at the top of the tower. Back then, she saved them all, and that was her mistake. The Grandmother says, “I saved a lot of lives that night. Lives that were never meant to be saved. But Death doesn’t like it when you mess with his plans.”
All she was able to do was stall death for all these years. Now, it’s back to take everyone who, if the event had come to pass, shouldn’t even exist. What follows is absolute mayhem as death comes to collect what is due. But there’s a way out. There’s a book which has all the secrets.
The grandmother says, “This book, it will show you everything you need to know to keep our family safe.” Check out the trailer below.
Final Destination: Bloodlines will be released in theaters on Friday, May 16, 2025.