Telegram has terminated the official channels of Z-Library and Anna’s Archive for alleged copyright infringement in a significant development in the ongoing battle between shadow libraries—online repositories offering access to copyrighted content—and rightsholders.
At this stage, the specific reasons behind Telegram’s decision remain unclear. Neither Z-Library nor Anna’s Archive received advanced notification or communication from Telegram regarding the removal of their channels.
Meanwhile, Anna’s Archive and Z-Library continue to operate through other avenues, and these shadow libraries remain widely accessible via their websites, despite efforts by rights holders to curtail their influence.
Z-Library has already launched a new Telegram channel, which has begun regaining subscribers.
Z-Library, one of the largest shadow libraries, had amassed over 630,000 subscribers on its Telegram channel–a hub for updates, announcements, and redirects for users seeking access to its controversial resources.
Anna’s Archive, a popular search engine for pirated content, had also leveraged Telegram to connect with its audience. Both channels were reportedly cautious about adhering to Telegram’s copyright policies, avoiding direct links to infringing material.
Despite these precautions, Z-Library and Anna’s Archive have had their official Telegram channels shut down, all messages purged, and a pop-up message stating the accounts are “unavailable due to copyright infringement.”
While Telegram's actions illustrate the platform's responsiveness to copyright complaints, the issue of accessibility and enforcement at a global scale remains unresolved. Telegram has not yet commented on the channel shutdowns or clarified the specific complaints leading to these actions.