Streaming News

Hulu Gets Loads of Bond Movies in February 2019

Written by Gabriela Vatu
Last updated July 8, 2021

Hulu is gearing up to bring in some cool new movies in February 2019, so we're all pretty excited to watch them all, or, at the very least, part of them.

There are quite a few James Bond movies on the list, which is great news if you're a fan of 007, plenty of action flicks, and even some romance ones. Plus, you can get excited about a few TV Series premieres too, including the new seasons of The Voice and World of Dance.

Without further ado, here are the new entries you can expect in February 2019 on Hulu.

February 1

February 2

February 3

February 4

February 5

February 8

February 9

February 10

February 11

February 14

February 15

February 16

February 17

February 18

February 20

February 23

February 25

February 26

February 27

February 28

So? What are you excited to watch on Hulu this February? Let us know in the comments section below and please share the article online so others can set their schedules too. Follow TechNadu on Facebook and Twitter for more details. 

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