The upcoming anime adaptation of the fantasy series, I'm Quitting Heroing, recently revealed its third trailer! The series is originally based on the light novels by Quantum and Hana Amano. The anime adaptation will be directed by Yu Nobuta and Hisashi Ishii at studio EMT Squared. Shigeru Murakoshi serves as the series composer, while Yuki Nakano serves as the character designer.
The I'm Quitting Heroing light novels ran from 2017 to 2018 with three volumes and are published under the Kadokawa Books label. A manga adaptation by Nori Kazato began in 2018. The story originated as a web novel on Kakuyomu in 2017. Both the light novel and manga are licensed in North America by Kadokawa.
The I'm Quitting Heroing anime series has revealed its third trailer recently. The trailer gives us a preview of the anime's ending and opening songs and a glance at Leo's riches-to-rags story. According to the trailer, Nao Toyama is performing the song, Growing, for the ending theme, while Minori Suzuki performs Broken Identity for the opening theme. Take a look at the trailer below:
Sentai Filmworks, which will be simulcasting the series on HIDIVE from April 5, describes the series as:
"After saving humanity from the despicable Demon King, Leo Demonhart does not earn a hero's standing. Instead, he is regarded with suspicion and hostility by those he fought to protect. Treated as a pariah with nowhere else to turn, exiled Leo seeks a position in the army of his former nemesis! But the army is not what it once was before its defeat at Leo's hands, so to maintain his new position, Leo must whip the forces back into fighting shape."
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