These Are the User Demographics Phishing Actors Love to Target

Last updated June 23, 2021
Written by:
Bill Toulas
Bill Toulas
Cybersecurity Journalist

Not every internet user is equally lucrative for phishing actors. Considering the volume of emails and follow-up responses these crooks have to manage, they often prefer to just narrow down their targets and up their success rates. A report by Google based on Gmail data gives us amazing insight into which demographics are safe, which users are bombarded by phishing more often, and what everyone can do to remain protected against the associated dangers.

First of all, Google says their ML models continue to evolve, and they are now able to block over 99.9% of all spam, phishing, and malware messages sent to Gmail users. That’s great, but it’s the same rate that Google gave us a year ago, so we would guess that there’s always an elusive 0.1% that is following novel methods to evade detection.

On to the actual stats, here are the most interesting numbers presented in the report:

All that said, if you want to stay safe from phishing threats, there’s a number of things you can do which will have a concrete impact on your security on Gmail. First, complete the “Security Checkup” to figure out if you lack something like 2FA. Secondly, enroll in Google’s “Advanced Protection” program if you’re eligible. Finally, enable the “Enhanced Safe Browsing Protection” on the Chrome browser, which should be enough to catch and stop threats before they cause any damage.

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