TVAddons Launches New GitHub Browser for Kodi

Last updated August 17, 2021
Written by:
Novak Bozovic
Novak Bozovic
Tech & VPN Content Specialist

Even though many of us were utterly disappointed when TVAddons went offline, it didn’t take long for this repository to come back online. Not only that – TVAddons actually promised to completely change the way we download and use third-party addons. We didn’t have to wait too long for this promise to be turned into an actual product. Starting today, you can use the all-new GitHub Browser for Kodi to download new addons.

The new browser is TVAddon’s effort of offering third-party addons in a new way. After all, we all know that installing addons for Kodi isn’t the most straightforward process. First, you need to find a reliable repository and add it to Kodi. Then, you need to install that repository. To finalize the procedure, you need to access your new addon and install it. Sounds a bit complicated, right? Imagine having a single addon that serves as a gateway to numerous others? In addition, imagine having always updated addons. Sounds good, right? This dream isn’t a dream anymore, thanks to GitHub Browser for Kodi. Here’s a YouTube video that will help you to get started.

The good news is that the new Browser is available starting today. You need to have Kodi 17 installed, or any incremental update that came after that. The process of installation is simple, and you only need to through it only once. In addition, the Browser is a part of the Indigo addon. This means that you simply need to update this addon to gain access to the new feature. After that, the GitHub Browser will provide access to an incredibly wide range of addons.

We hope you’re going to try out this new way of installing addons. So, feel free to drop a comment below and tell us your impressions. As always, feel free to share this article with other Kodi users.

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