Chromecast or Google Home Causing Wi-Fi Outage? Here’s a Fix!

Last updated June 14, 2021
Written by:
Thoinot Arbeau
Thoinot Arbeau
News Writer

Has your Wi-Fi started acting weird lately, after buying a Chromecast device? Do you have problems connecting to the Internet via your Wi-Fi? Well, your router could be crashing because of devices such as Google Home Max or Home Mini. They are sending too much data in a short period of time, thus causing the Wi-Fi to shut down.

TP-Link explains that the MDNS packets sent via Chromecast usually take 20-second brakes. This is the way Chromecast stays connected with other devices that you might be using. What creates a problem is when one of those gadgets by Google is not asleep anymore. At that point, they seem to send many packets together, thus overloading and crashing the router.

Although Google Home introduced several cool features, it seems that the people at Google still have some problems to overcome.

Google Home

Android Police reported Archer C7 TP-Link router showed the worst reaction to this, by a complete shutdown. Luckily, TP-Link was quick to provide the update which has patched things up.

Can Google Repair Chromecast?

Google has also announced that they are currently working on a fix which should be able to solve this problem with routers. If you happen to have a problem similar or identical to this one, make sure to disconnect your Google device and check the firmware of your router - it should contain the latest update.

Apart from the problem with Chromecast, the firmware of your router should always be up-to-date in order to protect you from potential breaches of security, as well as other possible threats.

Final Thoughts

One can never have too many devices in their homes. However, they sometimes cause trouble, even if they are Chromecast, manufactured by Google itself. Will Google be able to solve this issue and stop the problem that now many people worldwide face? What are your thoughts on this issue? Are these types of problems going to be more frequent in the future?

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