One of the biggest problems nowadays that legal streaming providers have is how to get in the way of piracy? However, what if piracy is not only a problem but an answer to an even bigger problem as well? The underlying issue that has caused the proliferation of illegal media streaming services is the amount of money you need to spend in order to stay in the legal waters. Would anything really change if the prices fell?
Recent studies give an optimistic answer to this question - yes, the habits of illegal streamers would change substantially. Not only that, the newest study shows that as much as two-thirds of Kodi Box owners would go back to legal ways of streaming if providers such as Virgin Media, BT TV, and Sky TV reduced their fees.
For any of you who have managed to remain innocent and immune to the temptations of Kodi, it's time to learn about it. It is an open-source streaming device that can be incorporated on a wide range of devices. From set-top boxes powered by Android, to higher-end branded devices, like Amazon Fire TV Sticks.
So-called addons, which Kodi enthusiasts and other community members create, can be installed to improve the experience. These give users the chance to watch premium content, like latest football games or blockbusters. While using Kodi in itself is perfectly legal, watching paid-for content for free is definitely not.
According to a recently conducted survey, around 74 percent of users who stream content illegally online would go back to legal streaming services if their prices went down. The study included 2000 grown-ups from all around the UK. Since the study included adults of different ages, the results show differences in this respect. Millennials were the most willing to go back to legal ways of watching TV, movies, and sport with around 80% promising to abandon streaming, compared to 68% of Baby Boomers and around 74% of Gen X.
However, over 25% of illegal streamers would not give up using unlawful streaming services and devices. It is up to major broadcasters to find new ways to convert these hardcore law-breakers.
Sky TV was the first one to take the cue from this situation and change their ways. They decreased prices for new users and gave them more possibilities and more flexibility.
The new deal they offer to their customers is Sky Entertainment and it costs £20 a month. It allows users to create their own preferred package by including any combination of channel packages for £5 per month each. It will replace company's existing TV bundles and it will be available for new customers at the end of January 2018.
A research done by FACT shows that there are now around one million of Kodi Box users in the UK. However, there has been a constant increase of news about people who have been jailed for selling the devices in question. Nonetheless, FACT says this is just scratching the surface.
In April 2017, the EU Court of Justice confirmed that streaming on illegal boxes, like Kodi, constitutes a violation of copyright. The Digital Economy Act, which came into power in October 2017, identified online copyright violation to physical violations. This means that the maximum penalty that you can receive on account of online copyright violation is 10 years.
What is older, the chicken or the egg? Do you think using illegal media streaming devices is a problem in itself? Or is using Kodi just an answer to the bigger issue of skyrocketing prices providers impose on users?
Would you stop using Kodi if the prices of legal providers plummeted? Tell us your opinion in the comment section below!